Singing Guide: Tony Bennett

Singing Guide: Tony Bennett

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Tony Bennett is one of the most successful, enduring American singers of the last century. His trademark sound is rich, velvety, warm, and effortlessly smooth. His delivery, phrasing, and timing are examples of the very highest standards in popular music.

Tony Bennett's unique vocal style is characterized by his use of vibrato, breathy textures, excellent diction, and incredible interpretive skills. These elements come together to create an unforgettable performance with great depth and emotional range.

If you want to learn to sing like Tony Bennett, the most important things to work on are your breathing and your interpretation skills. Here are some practical tips on how to develop these skills:

  1. Breathing: Practice breathing exercises daily to help you control your breath and support your tone. The Farinelli Breathing exercise in Singing Carrots' Skill-related Videos is an excellent starting point.

  2. Warm Up: Warm up your voice properly before singing and practice relaxation and breathing techniques like the humming and the soft palate exercises in Skill-related Videos that focus on Nasality.

  3. Practice singing Tony Bennett songs: Choose a few of his songs to sing along with regularly. Pay attention to his phrasing and interpretation to emulate his style.

  4. Work on your interpretation skills: Pay attention to the lyrics of the songs you are singing. Emphasize the right words, change the dynamics, and experiment with pauses and vibrato to bring the story of the song to life.

Incorporate the tools and resources provided by Singing Carrots to improve your singing skills to sing like Tony Bennett. Use their vocal range test and pitch accuracy test to determine your range and accuracy levels. Their Pitch Training in Skill-related Videos is an interactive vocal warm-up and pitch training combination.

Their song search, Artist vocal ranges, and Song-book tools can help you choose the perfect Tony Bennett song to perform, based on your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference. Use their singing theory and practical tips course to understand the complexities of the voice and the art of singing.

In summary, singing like Tony Bennett requires control, style, and emotion. Once you build a solid foundation of breathing control and excellent vocal technique, focus on interpreting the music with passion. Lastly, use the tools provided by Singing Carrots to perfect your technique and sharpen your singing skills.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.